Results for 'Rafael Acosta Sanabria'

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  1. Humanismo responsable (2nd edition).Rafael Acosta Sanabria - 2015 - Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Metropolitana.
    En este libro, el autor examina un amplio abanico temático y de fuentes en el campo moral y filosófico. La propuesta se concentra en delinear la concepción de un humanismo responsable en el seno de la comunidad. Despejar el camino hacia esa meta, irse abriendo paso teóricamente entre las nociones y corrientes que el pensamiento ha hilado a lo largo de los siglos sobre la cuestión, dialogar con ellas y presentar una visión que nos interpela por su novedad y actualidad (...)
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  2. La educación del ser humano: un reto permanente (2nd edition).Rafael Acosta Sanabria - 2010 - Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Metropolitana.
    El presente libro constituye una propuesta para la educación en este siglo XXI. El autor entiende la educación como un proceso de humanización: la educación es una acción que posibilita que el ser humano pueda vivir cada vez más humanamente. A lo largo de estas páginas, insiste en que la educación se refiere al ser humano que es persona, lo que significa que tiene un valor infinito, que es un ser libre, autónomo y responsable, que la educación no tiene como (...)
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  3. Visiones del ser humano como persona (2nd edition).Rafael Acosta Sanabria - 2016 - Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Metropolitana.
    Visiones del ser humano como persona, ofrece una panorámica de las distintas maneras de entender la realidad personal del ser humano realizada por diversos autores a partir del siglo II en Occidente. Los distintos enfoques sobre la persona, resaltan aspectos esenciales del ser humano: desde su dignidad y valor supremo original hasta su proyección social y política, dentro de un contexto histórico determinado. La variedad de problemas planteados y de fundamentos filosóficos expresados a lo largo de las distintas exposiciones, ponen (...)
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  4. El mercado del arte en la vanguardia cubana= The market in the Cuban avant-garde.Rafael Acosta de Arriba - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 45:53-59.
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    The influence of culture in automotive manufacturing — a Mexican-French comparison.Carlos Acosta, Rafael Sánchez, Adoración Rodríguez & Jorge León - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (3):242-256.
    The objective of this article is to analyse cultural influences when French companies cooperate with Mexican companies (subsidiaries of the French, established in Mexico) in the field of automotive manufacturing. An OEM supplier and a final assembly plant were selected to perform the study. Interviews with the workers, supervisors and managers have been performed. Case studies were collected in order to analyse the problems and to illustrate technical as well as cultural solutions. The analysis showed that important differences and coincidences (...)
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  6. Proyección de la escolástica jesuita española en el pensamiento británico: nuevos horizontes en la política, el derecho y la ley.Leopoldo Prieto López, Cendejas Bueno & José Luis (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Spanish Jesuits such as Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), José de Acosta (1540-1600), Pedro de Ribadeneira (1526-1611) and Juan de Mariana (1536-1624) had a powerful impact on English thinkers of the magnitude of John Locke (1632-1704), Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Robert Persons (1546-1610), Algernon Sidney (1623-1683), and, later, William Robertson (1721-1793), Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859) and Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953). An influence that was sometimes hidden and always controversial. This work highlights the importance of this influence regarding thought on politics, law and natural (...)
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    Hegel's critique of Kant.Aaron James Wendland & Rafael Winkler - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):129-142.
    In this paper we present a reconstruction of Hegel's critique of Kant. We try to show the congruence of that critique in both theoretical and practical philosophy. We argue that this congruence is to be found in Hegel's criticism of Kant's hylemorphism in his theoretical and practical philosophy. Hegel is much more sympathetic to Kant's response to the distinction between matter and form in his theoretical philosophy and he credits Kant with ‘discovering’ here that thinking is an activity that always (...)
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    Cinco puntos clave del pensamiento de Unamuno.Rafael Gómez Miranda - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):51-75.
    El pensamiento de Unamuno es complejo y problemático. Realizar una lectura de los escritos de este autor, sin tomar previamente en consideración ciertos aspectos, puede resultar estéril y contradictoria. Examinando, a través de textos del propio autor, cómo concibe la “razón”, el “lenguaje”, la “filosofía” y la “realidad”, junto a la descripción de ciertos rasgos de su “personalidad”, queremos mostrar el talante verdaderamente filosófico de Unamuno, tantas veces puesto en cuestión. El presente artículo tiene como objeto exponer algunos puntos clave (...)
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    Concentration in contemporary society: Towards a theory of crisis based on Marx and Luhmann.Rafael Alvear - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):66-80.
    When examining the current form that modern society has acquired, it is hard to overlook the emergence of a systemic dimension that has become far removed from its social-symbolic roots. This systemic dimension is the result of a process of functional differentiation and simultaneous growth that has led to the gradual formation of social systems that, alongside their coordinating effect, give rise to multiple conflicts or crises. But how are the crises of modern societies to be understood in light of (...)
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  10. Moral Judgments as Descriptions of Institutional Facts.Rafael Ferber - 1994 - In . pp. 719-729.
    It deals with the question of what a moral judgment is. On the one hand, a satisfactory theory of moral judgments must take into account the descriptive character of moral judgments and the realistic language of morals. On the other hand, it must also meet the non-descriptive character of moral judgments that consists in the recommending or condemning element and in the fact that normative statements are derived from moral judgments. However, cognitivism and emotivism or “normativism” are contradictory theories: If (...)
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  11. Sobre la situación del humanismo hoy.Rafael Alvira - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira & Kurt Spang (eds.), Humanidades para el siglo XXI. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 13--26.
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    Nacimiento de la literatura autobiográfica en la historia sobre la voluntad de saber de Michel Foucault.Rafael Farías Becerra - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):605-616.
    Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de hallar un surgimiento de la literatura autobiográfica en la obra de Michel Foucault a partir del momento en que este filósofo deja de interesarse por la literatura como un espacio autorreferencial para adentrarse en la historia de criminales, locos, anormales, vidas minúsculas e infames, cuyos relatos se encuentran comprometidos dentro de diferentes prácticas discursivas promovidas por mecanismos de poder. En este sentido, los diarios de Pierre Rivière, Herculine Barbine o Alexina B. y del anónimo (...)
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  13. El estadista y su pueblo.Rafael Bielsa - 1945 - Buenos Aires,:
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    El orden político y las garantías jurisdiccionales (separación de poderes y vigencia del derecho).Rafael Bielsa - 1943 - [Santa Fe, Rep. argentina,: Imprenta de la Universidad nac. del litoral].
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  15. Reflexiones sobre sistemas políticos.Rafael Bielsa - 1944 - Buenos Aires: [Santa Fe Imprenta de la Universidad nacional del litoral].
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    Historia de la filosofía y de la ciencia.Rafael Gambra - 1967 - Madrid,: Euramérica. Edited by Antonio Fernández-Galiano & Silverio Palafox Marqués.
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  17. Federico Nietzsche, 1844-1944.Rafael Gandolfo (ed.) - 1944 - Santiago de Chile]: Archivos de la Revista "Estudios,".
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    The Disputes Regarding Meanings of the Homosexual Male Body Characterized as Bear: An Example of Dialogic Analysis.Rafael Lira Gomes Bastos - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (4):35-56.
    RESUMO Este artigo analisa as disputas de sentido envolvendo o corpo homossexual masculino caracterizado como urso. Considerando o aporte teórico-metodológico da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, foi analisada uma postagem com três sequências de comentários que tematizavam o corpo urso em um grupo da rede social Facebook. A análise revelou que o centro da disputa de sentidos nos enunciados se detém em duas valorações distintas: (i) o urso identificado como um corpo gordo e peludo e (ii) o urso identificado como um (...)
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    Un alegato en contra de las interpretaciones deterministas de la ética aristotélica.Juliana Acosta López de Mesa - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:33-51.
    El artículo procura mostrar las razones por las cuales no puede considerarse que la ética aristotélica sea determinista. De este modo, critica los argumentos de tres intérpretes que defienden el determinismo aristotélico: Alfredo Gómez-Muller, Theodor Gomperz y D.J. Furley, con el fi n de mostrar que la ética del Estagirita no está fundamentada en la necesidad sino en la convención, que el carácter no está totalmente determinado por naturaleza y que una vez éste se ha formado Aristóteles sí concibe la (...)
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    Filosofía de la historia, guerra y exilio: El eclipse de la utopía en el pensamiento de Eugenio Ímaz.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):659-669.
    El propósito del presente artículo es el de desarrollar y proyectar una interpretación de la filosofía de la historia elaborada por el pensador donostiarra Eugenio Ímaz. Dicha exposición estará dirigida al objetivo de explicitar cómo el optimismo histórico de Ímaz basado en la noción de utopía lidió con los trágicos acontecimientos que aquel vivió durante los años treinta en España. En este sentido, la confianza de Eugenio Ímaz en el régimen republicano se vio fracturada por los acontecimientos bélicos que le (...)
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    Human life and the modern state.Rafael Alvira - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):375-378.
  22. Integración y desintegración del tiempo en la persona y en la sociedad actuales.Rafael Alvira - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.), La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 15--28.
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    La antropología política de Antonio Millán Puelles.Rafael Alvira - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):733-744.
    The article focuses first of all on the peculiar kind of anthropology implicit in the thought of Millán-Puelles. In the second part it underlines the relevance of the distinction between nature and freedom in the political anthropology of the author, as well as the outstandig importance of the idea of liberty with its several significant nuances of meaning.
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    Participación y representación: una encrucijada metafísico-política.Rafael Alvira - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):17-28.
    The point of the article is that representation is primarily an activity in the realm of knowledge while participation belongs to the will. Representation and participation are two dimensions of human life, at the same time personal and political. One cannot expect real participation in the absence of true representation. The present democracies have a real problem regarding the participation of the people in politics.
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    ¿Qué significa "buena voluntad"?Rafael Alvira - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (68):723-734.
    A good will is not so much an "ethical concept" as one that refers to the nucleus of human existence and the meaning of life. If the intellect is a function of identity, the will is a function of otherness. Together, the intellect and the will render an account of that arcane principle of all reality which is unity-diversity or limit. Such arcana is manifested in the following: the intellect is the limit of the will and the will is the (...)
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  26. Sobre el comienzo radical: consideraciones acerca de El concepto de angustia de S.A. Kierkegaard.Rafael Alvira - 1995 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 15:31-42.
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    Sobre la edición de las "Obras" de Josef Pieper.Rafael Alvira - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (72):223-228.
    Few Philosophers have been able to give to their work a deep an wise visíon of the world applicable to everyday existence. Among them we find Joseph Pieper, extraordinary writer and philosopher whose works (edited by Berthold Wald) confirm his socratic character of wisdom lover (filo-sophos).
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  28. Ética: la medida y la grandeza del ser humano.Rafael Alvira - 2006 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 37:99-105.
    Accord ing to the neoplatonist tradition, the article emphasizes the outstanding relevance of the concept of limit or mesure, specially in relation to the practical realm. Diverging from the apparences, reachingt he limits of one's own possibiliti es doesn't me an for the human being to get locked in itself, but to become great. The greatness of the soul is born in th eadequate conscience of one's own lim its and it is the most relevant virtue.
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    Tener y existir, reflexión y donación.Rafael Alvira - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (77):575-585.
    Pure being, without reference to negativity and otherness, is unthinkable and unreal. Being with regard to negativity is giving: being gives what it is not. The radical act of giving is to produce the other in itself; the derived act is to create. Being in relation to non-being is having. There is no existence other than in having. Giving, donation, implies a having which is had, consciousness, freedom, reflection. Without reflection, there is no giving. Being is knowing; having, loving. There (...)
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    Unidad y diversidad en el neoplatonismo cristiano.Rafael Alvira - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (66):29-42.
    This article underlines the significance of the new interpretation of Plato's Parmenides. The platonic "protology" found in the Parmenides connects directly with neoplatonic tradition. Christian Neoplatonism, through its trinitarian speculation, is the philosophical movement which best captures the deepest implications of the unity-diversity theory of the Parmenides. The author suggests that the christian neoplatonic solution to the unity-diversity issue is superior to those offered by Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger.
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    Que reste-t-il de l'ange?Rafael Argullol - 2006 - Diogène 215 (3):86-89.
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    Tres miradas sobre el arte.Rafael Argullol - 1989 - Barcelona: Destino.
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  33. Racionalismo crítico, conocimiento científico y marxismo.Rafael Pardo Avellaneda - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):299-331.
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    Utopia After the "End of History": Addressing the Crisis of Future in Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez's Philosophy of Praxis.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):257-272.
    Abstractabstract:This article engages in the contemporary discussion on utopia by exploring Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez’s philosophy. The fall of the Berlin Wall has led to debates about the “end of history” and to doubts about the possibility of achieving the ideals and values embedded within the Marxist utopia. To deal with this challenge, contemporary scholars have revisited Marxist tradition to recover the hope stemming from utopia. However, these readings have not taken into consideration Sánchez Vázquez’s contribution to this topic. With a (...)
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  35. Academic Lullism from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century.Rafael Ramis Barcelo - 2018 - In Amy M. Austin & Mark David Johnston (eds.), A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llullism. Boston: BRILL.
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    Fintech and Bioeconomy: A Systematic Literature Review.Elkin Vladimir Acosta Velásquez, Héctor Heraldo Rojas Jiménez & Víctor Antonio Rodríguez Lizano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1274-1285.
    A systematic literature review was conducted on the production and publication of research articles related to the study of variables, financial technology (Fintech), and Bioeconomy. The purpose of this research was to know the main characteristics of the publications registered in the SD, WoS, and Scopus databases during the period 2007-2024, to February 8, 2024, achieving the identification of 46 publications in total. The information provided by these platforms was organized using graphs and figures, categorizing the information by CO-occurrence of (...)
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    Heidegger's Notes on Klee in the Nachlass.Günter Seubold, María del Rosario Acosta López, Tobias Keiling, Ian Alexander Moore & Yulia Aleksandrovna Tsutserova - 2017 - Philosophy Today 1 (61):19-21.
    This article gives an account of the material on the art of Paul Klee found in the Nachlass of Martin Heidegger and indicates ideas central to Heidegger’s encounter with Klee.
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    Epistemic injustice. A new epistemology for an old injustice.Carlos Garzón-Rodríguez & Diana Acosta - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:5-8.
    Presentation of issue No 66 about epistemic injustices.
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  39. O cinismo e a exaltação da Filosofia prática.Rafael Ferreira Parente - 2014 - Clareira: Revista de Filosofia da Região Amazônica 1 (1):129-141.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o posicionamento do movimento cínico frente aos convencionalismos sociais e todo tipo de conhecimento que esteja desvinculado da vida prática. O cinismo, em especial Diógenes, empreendeu severas críticas de escárnio anti-social, na esperança de mostrar, pelo próprio exemplo de vida, a fugacidade e frivolidade da vida humana, a inutilidade de certas teorias filosóficas, a aversão à suntuosidade, o despudor à vida artificial.
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    La abstracción Y el derecho.Rafael Márquez Piñero - 2008 - In Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.), Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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    Apresentação Dossiê Reinscrever o conhecimento escolar no território do comum: uma introdução.Roberto Rafael Dias da Silva - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (64).
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    Implementing Freirean Perspectives in HIV-AIDS Education among Preliterate Guatemalan Maya Immigrants.Dilys Schoorman, Maria Cristina Acosta & Sister Rachel Sena - 2008 - Journal of Thought 43 (1-2):41.
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    A influência da religião na legitimação do Estado através da obra de Maquiavel.Rafael Bruno Gonçalves - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
    O presente artigo pretende demonstrar como a obra de Maquiavel elenca aspectos pertinentes sobre a relação entre religião e Estado, e como estes podem ser analisados através do ponto de vista da teoria política moderna. Suas contribuições relacionadas ao estudo da função política da religião, entendida como item essencial na manutenção, reconhecimento e solidez do Estado, levantam indagações indispensáveis para pensar a influência de determinados preceitos confessionais, relacionados ao poder eclesiástico, na formulação de uma moral política voltada para a obediência (...)
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    Sobre cómo reescribir la historia de la filosofía “en clave feminista”. Comentarios al número especial: “Mujeres Filósofas”.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (180):343-350.
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  45. Hegel, notas heterodoxas para su lectura.Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot - 1985 - In Rubén Sierra Mejía (ed.), La Filosofía en Colombia, siglo XX. Bogotá, Colombia: Procultura.
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    La lírica de Quevedo.Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 19:199-209.
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  47. Descartes: un nuevo modo de hacer filosofía.Rafael Corazón González - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):441-462.
    The interpretation of Descartes' thinking wich is made by professor Polo in Evidencia y realidad en Descartes (and, in general, in all his work) is analysed in this article . The key to understanding Descartes is "the voluntary attitude", which lies in placing the attention before the arrival of facts and contents of consciousness. So they can be examined and controlled in order to decide if they are re-liable or not. The result is an exaggerated dedication which limits the capacity (...)
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    Eudaimonía y destino.Rafael Corazón González - 2000 - Studia Poliana 2:165-189.
    Almost all the classical theories on ethics place man's objective as his search for happiness. This ideal is based on nature. Medieval thinkers, considering man as a person, came to the conclusion that he is called to a transcendental destiny; however, because they continued to use the classical ideal of happiness as a concenptual model, they created quite a few difficulties: self-transcendence and self-fulfillment are opposing models. L. Polo, on the other hand, proposes a non-naturalist anthropology that considers each person (...)
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    Realidad Española Del Secreto Profesional de Los Periodistas.Rafael Barberá González - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-8.
    El secreto profesional de los periodistas es un elemento sobre el que se debate de manera recurrente. Desde su aparición en la Constitución española de 1978 hasta nuestros días profesionales, expertos y líderes han manifestado sus opiniones sobre su relevancia, su presente y el futuro. Han sido muchas las digresiones que se han vertido en distintos foros y con diferentes enfoques acerca de una realidad que, en ocasiones, va más allá de un debate puramente profesional.
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    Al-Farabi: epístola sobre los sentidos del término "intelecto".Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:215-224.
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